Ipl Tshuab KES Painless Hair Remover Tsev Siv Daim tawv nqaij Rejuvenation

Ipl Tshuab KES Painless Hair Remover Tsev Siv Daim tawv nqaij Rejuvenation

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Ipl Tshuab KES Painless Hair Remover Tsev Siv Daim tawv nqaij Rejuvenation

3 tuav tus qauv mutifuctional tshuab

Product Detail


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Ipl Tshuab KES Painless Hair Remover Tsev Siv Daim tawv nqaij Rejuvenation



15 * 50mm Loj Qhov Loj.

1.000.000 shots

8 Lim xaiv yeem





IPL daim tawv nqaij rejuvenation, tseem hu ua "lub siab tawv lub teeb tshuab", uas yog, Intense Pulsed Light, kuj hu ua IPL, yog ib qho kev kho qhov muag tsis pom kev siv tshuab.Tsis tas li ntawd, "xim lub teeb ntawm daim tawv nqaij rejuvenation" kuj yog photon daim tawv nqaij rejuvenation, vim hais tias lub teeb emitted los ntawm ib txwm photon daim tawv nqaij rejuvenation yog xim.

Tab sis nws txawv ntawm laser.Laser tsuas muaj ib lub wavelength xwb.Lub teeb ci ntsa iab yog lub teeb sib txuas ntau lub teeb tsis sib xws nrog lub wavelength thaj tsam ntawm 500 thiab 1200nm.Txij li thaum nws tuaj yeem tawm lub teeb ntawm ntau lub wavelengths tib lub sijhawm, yog li nws tuaj yeem npog ntau qhov nqus siab ntawm ntau lub hom phiaj chromophores xws li melanin, oxyhemoglobin, dej, thiab lwm yam.



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