Lub teb chaws Yelemees Professional Bars 3 Wavelength 755 808 1064 Diodelaser / Laser Diodo 808

Lub teb chaws Yelemees Professional Bars 3 Wavelength 755 808 1064 Diodelaser / Laser Diodo 808

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

755 808 1064 Diode Laser Laser tej tshuab

Product Detail


Khoom cim npe

808nm laser diodo plaub hau tshem tawm tshuab qhia


duab 001



755nm ua
Lub zog nqus ntawm lub zog ntau dua los ntawm melanin.Ib yam ntawm ntau hom plaub hau thiab tawv nqaij yog qhov zoo tagnrho.Tshwj xeeb.

haum ntev rau lub teeb thiab nyias cov plaub hau.
808nm ua
Kev nkag mus tob rau hauv cov hauv paus plaub hau nrog lub zog nruab nrab lub zog nrog rau qhov rov ua kom nrawm dua rau kev kho sai dua, kev nqus ib txwm

melanin.Suitablelength rau cov tawv nqaij tsaus.Rau caj npab, taw, puab tsaig thiab puab tsaig kho.
1064nm ua
Tsawg nqus ntawm melanin, tsom rau ntawm cov tawv nqaij tawv tawv.Muab qhov tob tshaj plaws ntawm kev nkag mus rau hauv cov plaub hau follicle, hau plaub hau,

armpit thiab intimate thaj chaw.












duab 001

Qauv No DL1
Hom Laser High Power Diodes / Soprano Laser Plaub Tshem Tawm Tshuab
Lub wavelength 808nm txheem755nm, 1064nm, Tri-wavelength yeem

Qhov loj me 12 * 12

Qhov Loj 12 * 12 hli
Repetition Rate Mus txog 10HZ
Fluence 10-125J/CM2
Pulse Dav 10-400ms
Peak zog 2500 W
Platform Specification 100-240VAC 12A MAX / 50-60HZ
Net nyhav 70 KG
Dimension 380mm * 440mm * 1080mm


808 plaub hau tshem tawm tshuab kom zoo dua

duab 001

TEC ACTIVE COOLING SYSTEM (tsim los ntawm Nyiv) TEC Peltier-Thermolectric Cooler Modules rau cov dej txias Ua kom zoo

bonded fin heat sink khaws dej kub hauv qab 20C

Ua haujlwm zoo dua li cov tshuab ua kom txias txias (Dej kub ib txwm siab dua 35C. Yooj yim rau hlawv)


kuaj tus kheej

Lub CPU sab hauv kuaj xyuas cov hluav taws xob tsis zoo ntawm txhua yam kom ntseeg tau tias kev siv nyab xeeb.


Hom Ntse thiab Cov Kws Tshaj Lij Hom

Tsis siv neeg preset tsis raws li daim tawv nqaij, xim plaub hau, plaub hau ntom, muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab yooj yim rau tus neeg teb xov tooj.


ntse cov ntaub ntawv cia

Cov lus qhia txog kev kho mob (lub sijhawm lub zog pulse ntev zaus thiab lwm yam) raug kaw cia rau tus neeg teb xov tooj yooj yim.


yooj yim tuav

Cov qauv tsim tshwj xeeb sab hauv tsim ntawm cov khoom siv sab nraud, yooj yim dua rau kev teeb tsa, tu thiab kho

Soprano Laser plaub hau tshem tawm tshuab


Soprano Laser plaub hau tshem tawm tshuab


Ua ntej & Tom qab

duab 001

Soprano Laser plaub hau tshem tawm tshuab


Soprano Laser plaub hau tshem tawm tshuab



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