New Vella Shape Velashaping 360 Vela Machine Shape Cavitation Machine

New Vella Shape Velashaping 360 Vela Machine Shape Cavitation Machine

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New Vella Shape Velashaping 360 Vela Machine Shape Cavitation Machine

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New Vella Shape Velashaping 360 Vela Machine Shape Cavitation Machine




3 inobata satndard yenhengo dzakasiyana dzemuviri


Face uye Submental

Ganda rejuvenation & kuomesa ganda(Laxity, wrinkles, mitsetse yakanaka)

Face & neck contouring (submental shaping)

Ganda resurfacing

Maoko (bingo mapapiro) & Kumashure

Circumferential reduction Kusimbisa ganda (Laxity)

Stretch marks


Dumbu (dumbu & mabatirwo erudo)

Circumferential kuderedza


Body contouring

Kuomesa ganda (Laxity)

Stretch marks (tsvuku uye chena)


Makumbo (zvidya & matako)

Circumferential kuderedza Cellulitis kurapwa

Body contouringSkin tightening

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