Q Switch Nd Yag Laser /Tatto Removal Machine Ho Tloswa ha Tattoo ka Laser ea Nd-yag

Q Switch Nd Yag Laser /Tatto Removal Machine Ho Tloswa ha Tattoo ka Laser ea Nd-yag

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Ho Tlosa Tattoo Ka Laser ea Nd-yag

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa


Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Q Switch Nd Yag Laser /Tatto Removal Machine Ho Tloswa ha Tattoo ka Laser ea Nd-yag



Laser ea neodymium YAG e sebetsa joang?

Li-Laser li sebetsa ka ho ntša leqhubu la khanya e matla ea matla, eo ha e tsepamisitsoe boemong bo itseng ba letlalo e tla baka mocheso le ho senya lisele tse kulang.

Ke Mathata afe a Letlalo a ka Thusang ND YAG Laser?

Ho sa tsotellehe hore na re ela hloko hakae ho fokotsa matšoao a botsofali, matheba a manganga a sootho e ka ba ho fana.Ba bang ba tseba tsena ka mabitso a fapaneng - matheba a lilemo, li-freckles, lentigine, kapa matheba a sebete.Ho na le mefuta e fapaneng ea mefuta e fapaneng ea mebala e fapaneng ka chebahalo, hore na e na le botebo bofe letlalong, le hore na e arabela joang kalafong.

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