Q switched nd yag laser / tattoo tlosa botle mochini / laser ho tlosa tattoo

Q switched nd yag laser / tattoo tlosa botle mochini / laser ho tlosa tattoo

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Q E Fetotse Nd Yag Picosecond Laser 100% Ho Tlosa Tattoo

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa


Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa


Q e fetotsoele laser/Mochini oa ho tlosa tattoo oa botle / ho tlosa tattoo ka laser




Haeba e tla sebelisoa bakeng sa ho tlosa tattoo ea laser, laser ea Nd:YAG e tlameha ho ba laser ea Q-switched, ho bolelang hore e hlahisa ka mokhoa o ikhethang.

matla a makhutšoane, a matla a nkang nanoseconds ho fetisisa.Bokhutšoanyane ba pulse ke ba bohlokoa bakeng sa ho tlosa tattoo e le hore

enke ea tattoo e pshatlehile ha lesela le potolohileng le sala le sa tsoa kotsi.



Q-switched Nd: YAG lasers ke khetho e ntle ea ho tlosa tattoo hobane 1064 nm wavelength e hlahisoang e monngoa hantle ke

li-tattoo tse ntšo le mebala e meng ea li-tattoo.Ha lebone la 1064 nm le phetoa habeli ke filthara ea kristale ea KTP, leseli le qala ho tsamaea.

ka bolelele ba bobeli, 532 nm.532 nm wavelength e sebetsa haholo ho mebala e khubelu, e pinki, ea lamunu le mebala e meng e khanyang.

Ka kopanelo, maqhubu a mabeli a laser ea Nd:YAG e ka tšoara mefuta e fapaneng ea mebala ea tattoo bakeng sa ho pshatla enke ea boleng bo holimo.

le ho tlosa - ke ka lebaka leo Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers e leng sesebelisoa sa khetho bakeng sa ho tlosa li-tattoo tse ngata.

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Ho utloisisa laser ea Nd:YAG, ho thusa ho tseba lintlha tsa mantlha.'Nd:YAG' e emetse 'Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet,' le 'LASER' ke khutsufatso ea 'Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.'Mofuteng ona oa laser, liathomo tse ka har'a kristale ea Nd: YAG li thabisoa ke lebone, 'me kristale e hlahisa leseli le phahamisitsoeng le tsamaeang ka bolelele bo itseng - 1064 nm.

Leqhubu la 1064 nm le ka ntle ho mabone a bonahalang, kahoo khanya ha e bonahale ebile e ka har'a sebaka sa infrared.Leqhubu lena la khanya le na le lisebelisoa tse ngata tse sebetsang.

Mofuta ona oa laser o sebelisetsoa merero e fapaneng ea bongaka, meno, tlhahiso, sesole, likoloi le saense.Phapang pakeng tsa mefuta ea Nd: YAG lasers e itšetlehile ka lintlha tse ling tsa tsamaiso ea laser - boholo ba matla a fanoang ho flashlamp le bophara ba pulse ea laser output.

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